md5 database service info
md5 database decrypt
md5 checksum generator
md5 file checksum tool
md5 random hash
md5 salted hash generator

Dear Friend! Welcome to our md5 tools source and md5 library! All tools linked with md5 hash working, it's are completely accessible for free.
Help us to make it better - write feedback

The Biggest MD5 database of Internet, size about 4,700,000,000 hashes

Enjoy with us, with best wishes - support team

Congratulations! Generation of range [0-9] length 9 finished. [News 2009-11-09]
Generation of range [0-9] length 9 finished. It take about several month and lots GigaBytes of hard drive. Now our database contain about 4,700,000,000 of decrypted hashes. Everybody can try our database for free. My-Addr's Project MD5 database is most biggest in the Internet.

New part of hashes comming soon. [News 2009-09-22]
Few month ago we start to generate new hashes range [0-9] with length 9, how this range is generated on 60% and in few weeks it will be completed. Our md5 hashes database comming bigger every day, fresh generated hashes coming online instantly.

MD5 at My-Addr Project

This part of My-Addr Project started 2008-11-01. Database contain records [string,md5_hash].
Database generating stay in progress, we want to create database what will be really helpful for md5 hashes decrypt (passwords hashes decrypt).
Tools for make md5 hash, decrypt md5 hash, make md5 hash from file launched (see left menu).
If somebody have some idea or need to decrypt lots of md5 hashes pls contact support due feedback.

What hashes you can decrypt

We have all md5 hashes of [a-z,A-Z,0-9] with length 1-6, and all hashes for [0-9] with length up to 9, also we have 65,000,000 of most usable passwords and dictionary worlds.

About MD5
MD5 hash it's hex string (contain only 0-9,A-F chars) with length 32, hash can be created for string/text/file of any length.
In cryptography, MD5 (Message-Digest algorithm 5) is a widely used cryptographic hash function with a 128-bit hash value.
MD5 was designed by Ron Rivest in 1996, it's one of most popular cryptographic algorithms now.
While it was not a clearly fatal weakness, cryptographers began recommending the use of other algorithms, such as SHA-1.